Monday, September 28, 2009

Is it really almost October?

Wow....that went fast.
I feel like it was the beginning of September, like, yesterday...

But October is my 3rd favorite month, so it's all good. :)

So many awesome things happen in October, such as;
Halloween Haunt at Kings Island,
The real beginning of Fall,
Being able to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and other Tim Burton movies without feeling weird,
and of course Halloween.

Today was especially awesome because it really feels legitly like Fall outside today. I love it. :)

And that whole thing about how 'only kids can trick-or-treat' is crap. I totally plan on going to get me some free candy this year. haha

Maturity is for squares. :)

Love, Hugs, and wishes of a happy first Real Fall-like day,
Mizz Molly<3

So, I think I'm going to be Misty from Pokemon this year for Halloween. Any thoughts from all of my one watcher? (haha lobe you zie (: )

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's FINALLY the weekend!

Hello all of my guys and gals out in the internet world!
I'm just stopping in to say that I'm so incredibly glad that's it's the end to what proved to be a very stressful week.

On a happier note, tomorrow night is homecoming!! I'm just now putting the finishes touches on my dress. (which I made myself, from scratch, no pattern. ) I may post some pictures on here if anyone cares. :)

With that I will leave you with my goodbyes. I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing weekend!

Love, Kisses, and Wishes of a Wonderful Weekend,

Mizz Molly <3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Enter Mizz Molly with some Glee

Hello one and all and Welcome to my blog.
I am Mizz Molly and from now on I shall be blogging my life and it's many experiences on this here blog site.

So hang on tight, ladies and gentlemen. You're in for a bumpy ride. :)

I've decided that the best way for me to introduce myself on here would be to write about my thoughts on the latest episode of my favorite new show, Glee!

As I'm sure most of you know, Glee is the newest Fox TV series about a Glee Club in Lima Ohio. This is extremely enjoyable for me because not only do I live in Ohio, but I'm also part of a show choir in my school.
But enough about me! Let's get on to tonight episode!

One word to describe this one, heartwarming.
Maybe it was just me, but I thought tonight's episode especially had a few sadly cute little twists.
For instance, when Finn gave his old baby blanket to Quinn I was squealing at the absolute cuteness of it. (Even though I hate Quinn and what she is doing to poor Finn. Just tell the poor boy that it's not his kid!) And when Kurt was confessing his gayness to his father I was seriously about to cry.

It was also a very funny episode though. When Kurt went up to kick his first field goal and suddenly 'Single Ladies' came on I was so incredibly happy that I put my hands over my mouth to contain my scream. I would just like to say that in this episode Kurt proved once again why he is my favorite character. He's just so incredibly awesome. Seriously.

But I'd have to say my 2 favorite parts were, of course, Kurt's fabulous rendition of the ever-so-popular Single Ladies dance, made famous by Ms. Beyonce herself, and everyone's favorite part; the dancing football players. If all football teams did that I may actually start paying attention to the weekly games that I go to for the sole purpose of socializing.
I only had a few problems.
1. What happened to our lady Mercedes? I love that girl! While I'm happy that Tina is getting more stage and singing time, I miss our beautiful, black diva.
2. Rachel. Seriously, if she doesn't buck up soon she will replace Quinn and Puck as my least favorite character.
and 3. Emma and Will. This is the problem that I'm going to have until they actually suck it up and get together! I mean, come on! It's so obvious that he has at least a TINY thing for her! and I like her so much more than his actual psychopath of a wife.
But I digress.

All in all I'd have to say that this was yet another fabulously executed episode and I can't wait until next week when Ms. Kristen Chenoweth will join our ever-growing group of Gleeks.

sending Love, Hugs, and Kurt Hummel in a Box,
